Also included are authorized English translations where available.

December 13, 2019

Bahá’u’lláh’s “sole purpose in raising the Call and in proclaiming His sublime Word”

حق شاهد و مظاهر اسمآء و صفاتش گواه که مقصود از ارتفاع نداء و کلمه عليا آنکه ازکوثر بيان آذان امکان از قصص کاذبه مطهّر شود و مستعد گردد از براى اصغاى کلمه طيّبه مبارکه عليا که از خزانه علم فاطر سمآء و خالق اسمآء ظاهر گشته طوبى للمنصفين.
 (حضرت بهاءالله  -  مجموعه اى از الواح جمال اقدس ابهى که بعد از کتاب اقدس نازل شده)

God, the True One, testifieth and the Revealers of His names and attributes bear witness that Our sole purpose in raising the Call and in proclaiming His sublime Word is that the ear of the entire creation may, through the living waters of divine utterance, be purged from lying tales and become attuned to the holy, the glorious and exalted Word which hath issued forth from the repository of the knowledge of the Maker of the Heavens and the Creator of Names. Happy are they that judge with fairness. 
- Baha’u’llah  (‘Tablets of Baha’u’llah revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas)